Aaargh! It is December already! How did that come around so fast???
So if I was a Very Good Boy and Santa Claus was to bring me my best, most favourite Christmas presents in model kit form, what would they be? This needs a Top 5 List!
My Top 5 Models I Would Like To Receive This Christmas:
#1 - Trumpeter 1/32 Avenger
TBM-3, TBF-1C, whatever - as long as it has that sweet, sweet belly gunner position, I'd love to build it.
#2 - a 1/35 Hetzer
I don't care which manufacturer, as long as it isn't Italeri, because their kits are shit.
But seriously, Hetzers are just the coolest little tanks out there.
Small and cheeky. |
#3 - Any Industria Mechanica sci-fi kit in 1/35 scale
Because they are just lovely and interesting and really rather expensive for what you get. So Santa would have to shell out for this one, I can't bring myself to pay those prices.
Coming in 2017. |
#4 - Tamiya 1/35 Panther Ausf. G
Panthers are pretty damn sexy tanks, and in 30 years of model making I have never made one. Well that needs to change, dammit! And this latest Tamiya kit looks amazing. Plus, having recently built a Tamiya tank after many years elsewhere, it is just perfectly engineered and I want more. Finaly, as if I need another reason, Panthers are my mate Gav's favourite tank.
#5 - An old-school 1/32 Spitfire MkI
Because I would like to make it into a weather vane on my garage. Imagine how cool that would be, a lightweight Spit with its prop spinning in the wind, the fuselage turning to meet the wind, mounted on a piece of dowel? In Battle of Britain colours, of course. But it would have to be cheap as chips for such a tough outdoors existence, maybe an old 1960s Revell kit? Under 20 bucks Santa, reckon you can do that?
BONUS #6 - any 1/32 WingNut Wings WWI fighter, because I would like to see what all the fuss is about. I keep hearing that WingNut Wings kits are just the bees knees in ultimate easy 'it's-a-pleasure-to-build' kits, and I want to see if that is true. Plus I'm sick of seeing them win all the 1/32 propeller plane trophies at model shows, perhaps if I build one I too can pick up a coveted trophy in 2017. (Or at least understand why someone else did.)
Oh, Peter Jackson, you weird little Hobbit creature you. |
So, those are my Top 5 (well, Top 6 actually).
What would you like to unwrap under the tree on December 25th? Let me know, I'd love to hear from you.