Saturday, July 20, 2019

New video: How to scratch build a scale model house - Part 1

Over the last few months I've had a lot of people ask me to video step-by-step what goes into making one of my miniatures. So with my latest I've decided to do just that.

video tutorial how to scratch build a scale model house

I'm currently building a commission piece, of a specific house here in Yarraville. It's a lot more modern than what I have previously built, and it doesn't have much weathering, peeled paint or falling-down stuff. So this is a bit more of a challenge for me, to make something more pristine - I don't have the safety net of being able to cover up any mistakes with dirt or grime!

The original house.

I expect this will be a three part series. In this Part 1, I build the front structure of the house. It's not a particularly systematic approach, I just happened to start with this section first.

As you'll see, there are no incredibly tricky techniques involved - it's all a matter of planning, measuring and having the patience to see it through.

Keep an eye out for Parts 2 and 3 in the next weeks.

Video is embedded below, but in case that doesn't work here is the link:
How to scratch build a scale model house - Part 1



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