Starting out making models, it can seem a little daunting. What tools will I need to start making model kits? There are so many out there! How much will this cost me?
Plus you get experienced model makers bragging about their latest, fanciest and rather pricey tools (ahem, guilty your Honour...). Do I need an airbrush starting out? A full set of files? Microdrills? A Dremel motor tool? A soldering iron? Specialised cutters? This is expensive!
Fear not, new modeller! You don't need all that stuff to begin making model kits. Honestly, all you need are my Top Ten tools for people starting out in the hobby. They are all fairly inexpensive. In fact, you will have some of these already sitting around your house, I guarantee it. For a modest outlay you'll be set to build and paint whatever model kit you want: tanks, planes, cars, dioramas, figures, ships - whatever kit it is that has tempted you into this hobby.
Once you've built up some confidence and are sure you want to keep building scale model kits, them you can start to explore and invest in some of the more esoteric equipment. Some of the expensive stuff will save you time and give you better results once your skills have surpassed the basic tools. Some of the expensive stuff is just fun to work with and own. (Personally, I'd count an airbrush as #1 in this category - once you use one you'll never want to not have one, but you don't want to shell out hundreds of bucks while you're still finding your feet).
But in the meantime, you'll have covered the scale model basics, and I promise you will continue to keep using these tools in the Top Ten for many, many years. I've been using one of my Top Ten tools for about 30 years now without ever upgrading. Not a bad return on investment there.
Have I missed an essential tool for beginners?
If you think I have, please comment below! Let me know number 12, 13, 14 - however many you've got. I'm sure it will help others, and I may even learn something too!Cheers,
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