Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Progress on The Seahorse

I've had another quiet week - sorry punters... I've been busy writing an article to appear in the next ModelArt magazine, and filming an accompanying video. I can't release the text of my article for a while, but I can tell you that the process resulted in me painting and weathering some elements of The Seahorse, my current scratch build project.

Here is a photo of what I've been working on and documenting this last week. I've been focussing on realistic paint chipping, and I'm pretty chuffed with the results.

Weathered scale chipping of paint on scale model

It feels very strange to build and paint finalised components of an overall model, while 90% of the actual build is still to be done - previous similarly completed bits are here and here. Building piecemeal isn't too crazy a departure for me, but painting and weathering bits before most of it is built is distinctly strange. But it has just worked out that way - if I want to produce videos showing the techniques on small pieces, that's just how it is, otherwise we'd all be waiting six months until the whole thing is ready for painting and weathering!

But the good news is that with the article completed, I'm free to make a lot more progress on The Seahorse and not procrastinate so much!



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