Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Reader's Build: 1/35 Tamiya Sherman tank by Brendan Jordan

Today I've got a special feature highlighting the work of a reader of this blog, Brendan Jordan from Brisbane, Queensland. Brendan has only just recently taken up modelling, and after two aircraft he decided to tackle his first tank.

It's a 1/35 scale Tamiya M4A3 Sherman, which is a great tank to start out on.

Early photos of the near-completed build showed a Sherman with some pretty good dirt and dust on the rolling gear, but it ended rather abruptly - there was no mud or dust on the sides or upper surfaces of the tank, and it had an overall slight gloss that Brendan was quick to rectify.

Tamiya 1/35 scale model Sherman tank

Tamiya 1/35 scale model Sherman tank

Tamiya 1/35 scale model Sherman tank

Tamiya 1/35 scale model Sherman tank

Tamiya 1/35 scale model Sherman tank

The finished result

Then, with some further weathering, the Sherman was transformed. Dust, oil stains, more dust, fading, and more dust! I love what a change this made from the earlier shots. This Sherm has obviously had a tough, dirty war, and I love it.

Tamiya 1/35 scale model Sherman tank

Tamiya 1/35 scale model Sherman tank

Tamiya 1/35 scale model Sherman tank

Brendan plans to still add a tarp on the stowage and some figures.

I love this build. It's ambitious for a first-time armour modeller, and Brendan has obviously taken on some techniques that are far from beginner level. I totally respect the thought that has gone into this, and I like the level of realism achieved.

Thanks for sharing it with me Brendan, and for allowing me to share it with a wider audience. I look forward to seeing the final result, and your next build my friend.



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