Thursday, October 20, 2016

Video Tutorial: how to add a desert sand texture to diorama groundwork - Part II Rocks and Painting

Desert dioramas. Just how do you get a realistic look to the rocks and sand?

I've uploaded the second part of my video tutorial series on adding desert terrain to a diorama base.

(In case you missed it, Part I was here - it dealt with adding the overall sand texture on top of the previously prepared plaster of Paris groundwork)

In Part II, I add rocks to break up the freakishly uniform texture in Part I, and I commence painting.  It really starts to come to life after this.

In an upcoming Part III, drybrushing will highlight the texture, and I will add shrubs and various desert vegetation to the diorama.

My Tunisian Tiger is coming along nicely!

Video link: How to add a desert sand texture to your diorama - Part II.

Until next time, keep experimenting!



A little trial run of seeing what the figures look like. Nothing permanent yet.

Damn, I'm happy with that diorama terrain.

Ignore the cork buried in the sand. It will be removed before the end.  Nothing to see here, move along...


  1. how did u manage to stick the sand ongo the ground

    1. After painting the plaster base, I covered it in a mixture of 50% white PVA glue and 50% water. Then just sprinkled the sand on top and let the glue mixture dry, blew off the grains which didn't stick.
